Here is one way to Asset Inventory and Condition Assessment for TAM Compliance.
Asset Inventory and a condition assessment of all assets in the inventory are among the first elements of the Transit Asset Management (TAM) checklist, with the ultimate goal of keeping these assets in a State of Good Repair (SGR). As agencies focus on these first steps, adopting an approach that can accomplish these immediate objectives while laying the foundation for long-term gains is where agencies win.
Manual inventorying and condition assessment – traditionally completed by hand on miles of paperwork – will get you there. Slowly. Probably painfully. The information is consolidated, entered into a spread-sheets and back-end system(s), reviewed and corrected ad nauseam, and finally, submitted – all manually. All this before you can even begin analyses and generating reports.
What if there was a way to use capture information on your forms electronically as quickly and easily as making a call on your phone? What if this method works faster, uses less resources and costs less?
Change is the only constant in life. Heraclitus
This is the world as it should be –using low-cost, commonly available, user-friendly technology to accelerate, improve, and economize existing processes. It would be a dream come true right?
Living that Dream
We are doing it. Connixt iMarq can digitize your forms as they are currently used at your agency or you can choose a set from our forms library. Your users – whether employees or contractors – just download the app to capture asset information, i.e. name-plate information, location (assets are automatically geo-tagged), barcode creation, condition, and more. You can add photographs, comments, and audio recordings (for that equipment hum that seems out of line). It’s all updated automatically into your back-end system(s).
Doing it right the first time can get it done fast, efficiently, and reap ongoing benefits.
Finally, with all data now available electronically, formatted reports can be generated, data can be analyzed for patterns and intelligence, and, most importantly, this doesn’t have to be a one-off compliance exercise. You can actually derive value from it by streamlining operations, maintenance, and reporting across the agency.
We’re not promising total perfection, but Connixt iMarq will get your transit world a little closer to perfect.