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Manual data entry takes time and is prone to errors.

Digitize with iMarq

iMarq is more than just an app. It’s a cloud-based solution that helps you digitize everything. Inspections, maintenance, inventory and any other forms can be accessed on the go and completed electronically by mobile devices or tablets. With a simple and easy-to-use user interface, the iMarq platform makes it easy to create new forms and add information in just seconds. Digitization of data enhances validation, reduces costs and makes your operation more efficient.


iMarq is transforming organisations across industries!

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Before & After iMarq!

Explore other features of iMarq

Automating maintenance, inspection and inventory processes can help reduce costs while improving safety.

Seamless integration with current systems with no impact on the user and no IT involvement.

Facilitate workflow through access to the entire gamut of maintenance and reporting options.

Access reports and forms wherever you are. Equip your crew with customizable dashboards to highlight data that matters most to them.

Reduce the complexity of audits and compliance procedures with automated record-keeping systems and safety management.


See how iMarq can transform your organization

You can be up and running with iMarq in just 4 weeks!

Tell us your organizations landscape today, send us your documents and business processes and we’ll set you up  with a tailored instance of iMarq!

Download the free e-book now!