Hey Distributors, Are You Still Counting Stock? Mobile Apps Can Help

Turn to mobile apps to help your distribution business.

Whether your business deals with clothing, accessories, manufacturing consumables or groceries, you need to be at the customer site to collect and share information such as current inventory, order forms, and merchandise inspections.  If you are a successful distributor, you need to be on the field to collect data, restock, bill and collect, and then, of course, come back to the office and key in all the data.  This is all time-consuming and expensive, given the man-hours spent on the road, and gathering data on paper not only readily allows errors to enter your database, but it can take days to get into your system.  Besides, how do you plan your own purchasing and stores if all you have outdated, error-ridden data?

And, well, time on field + errors + delays + overstock (or understock) = $$ lost.

Fortunately, mobile apps allow distribution businesses to gather accurate, real-time information and save hundreds of hours! By integrating mobile apps into your business, you can eliminate redundant data entry on physical inventory checks, delivery receipts and billing, all while keeping your data up to speed.

Distributors can use mobile apps to streamline their process in many ways!

  • Real-time Inventory and Order Status. You can accurately keep track of inventory at customer sites, history of stock, and orders in one place! As a distributor, wouldn’t it be nice to prepare for your next meeting by looking at all of the open activity and past history for a customer right before you meet with them? Knowledge is power, and an informed business is a confidence business!
  • Managed inventory. Control shipments, view inventory and increase on-time shipments with better management of all of your incoming and outgoing stock. Set up replenishment triggers (min/max by customer by part), auto-ordering, approvals – all within one app!
  • Open PO/tracking. Improve on-time-delivery, receiving and visibility, eliminate manual follow-ups and gain clarification with an app that you can access at any time.
  • Cut down processing costs and improve collection cycles, and offer dynamic discounts.
  • Intelligence = Promotions, Sales, Alerts. Auto-track, offer promotions or new products based on consumption patterns.

At Connixt, we believe that people perform best when they are confident, informed, and have a high level of trust in the tools that they use.

Maybe it’s time to get your distributor business geared up with a reliable mobile app that can do all of the above – and more! If Connixt Mobile Apps tells the story of your customers and your inventory, shouldn’t you equip your team to have that information in their pocket?

Contact Connixt in Cerritos, California to get started on the best apps that automate your critical business processes with a mobile-first strategy!

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