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Realtime decision making with customized reports & dashboards

Reports & Dashboards with iMarq

At iMarq, we understand the pressure on a business to handle data in an efficient manner. We are passionate about providing our clients with a customizable dashboard that allows easy monitoring which in turn helps make informed decisions quickly. Through the use of custom dashboards and reporting tools, you can monitor your processes, work and exceptions in real-time. Your online audit reports are available on the go, with easy-access scheduling. Generate reports based on the information you need and when you need it.

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iMarq is transforming organisations across industries!

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Before & After iMarq!

Explore other features of iMarq

Automating maintenance, inspection and inventory processes can help reduce costs while improving safety.

Reduce costs and improve safety by digitizing all your maintenance, inspection, inventory and reporting processes.

Seamless integration with current systems with no impact on the user and no IT involvement.

Facilitate workflow through access to the entire gamut of maintenance and reporting options.

Reduce the complexity of audits and compliance procedures with automated record-keeping systems and safety management.


See how iMarq can transform your organization

You can be up and running with iMarq in just 4 weeks!

Tell us your organizations landscape today, send us your documents and business processes and we’ll set you up  with a tailored instance of iMarq!

Download the free e-book now!